Ward (Thomas) and Co., London
Ward and Co. was located at 27, Paternoster -Row in London.
The earlier Abbott books ----
Corner Stone 1834
Abbott's China and the English 1835
Parental Duties in the Promotion of Early Piety 1835
-On Prayer 1838
-On the Study of the Bible 1838
were published with the Thomas Ward and Co. imprint.
In 1853 this publisher (as Ward and Co.) printed two books from the
Franconia Series: Stuvyesant and Caroline. Agnes was published in 1854.
These books which had the same format were initially only published in
cloth boards. They were 7 x 4.5. By 1861 they
were also printed in ornamental covers. They are 16 mo.
In 1861 this firm printed Truth Through Fiction. This book has
the subtitle of Hoaryhead and the Valleys Below. The American editions
have this title and subtitle reversed. The book is 8 vo. in cloth.