Hodder and Stoughton, London
In 1844 Mr. Hodder was apprenticed to the firm of Jackson and
Walford. In 1861 Hodder bought a third interest in the aforementioned
firm which thereafter was called Jackson, Walford and Hodder. Hodder
and Stoughton was formed in 1868 when Jackson and Walford retired.
This firm published a 444 page "Franconia Stories" in 1870. This volume
included Caroline, Stuvyesant, and Agnes.
In 1883 Hodder and Stoughton published the four book series
"Jacob Abbott's Stories". These books are 8 vo. (6.75 x 4.75) cloth.
Red and green covers have been seen.
1. Juno and Georgie
2. Mary Osbourne
3. Juno on a Journey
4. Hubert