Week-Day Story Book

The Family Story Book (Volumes I and II), Sabbath-Day Story Book and Week-Day Story Book all have the same publishing history and formats.

----"moral stories of standard excellence"----
----"useful reading for children on the sabbath day"----
----"interest and entertain the youthful reader"----

Although some bibliographical references state that the three books were part of John Allen's Juvenile Popular Library, this is actually not the case. Contemporaneous journals note that the Juvenile Popular Library consisted of two books- Adam the Gardener and Domesticated Animals. The former two titles actually say "Juvenile Pop. Library" on their spines, the three books here do not.

Here is the John Allen 1835 Adam the Gardener. Note that the spine says "Juvenile Pop. Lib.". The Abbott books as can be seen below do not have this designation.

The author for all three books is noted as "Compiled by the Editors of the American Popular Library". These books however were edited by Jacob Abbott.

The books were published by John Allen and Company in 1835, B. B. Mussey in 1842 and T. H. Carter and Company (exact year unknown).

Family Story Book Volume 1

Family Story Book Volume 2

Sabbath Day Book for Boys and Girls

Week Day Book for Boys and Girls

Format 1. John Allen & Company 1835 (Boston)- (Copyright is 1834 four all three books) (First edition)

Format 2. B. B. Mussey, 1842 (Boston)

Format 3. T. H. Carter
(These books have not been seen)