The Teacher or Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young
This early Jacob Abbott book was "intended to detail in a
practical and systemic manner... the organization and management of a
school... based on Moral Influences". Chapters on religious
and moral influences as well as the Mount Vernon School and basic
school arrangements are significant parts of this book. Reviews stated
that this was "perhaps, the best of all to give out hints concerning
moral influence in schools."
Thus, this was a book to assist young teachers in organizing and
conducting their schools.
During its publishing history the book was revised with one
additional chapter added. (1839)
Publishing History: (American not English editions are listed below)
Peirce and Parker, Boston. 1833 (First edition)
This first edition has VIII chapters and 293 pages.
Wm. Peirce, Boston. 1833
Wm. Peirce, Boston. 1834
Wm. Peirce, Boston. 1836
Whipple and Damrell, Boston. 1839
This edition is the "new stereotyped edition". Chapter IX.
Teacher's First Day is new as of this edition. New copyright
of 1839 noted in this book.
H. and E. Phinney, Coooperstown, NY. 1844
H. and E. Phinney, Coooperstown, NY. 1846
Harper and Brothers, New York. 1856
This book and the other Harper and Brothers' books have the new 1856
Harper and Brothers copyright. It is the "new and revised
edition" with 353 pages.
Harper and Brothers, New York. 1873
Harper and Brothers, New York. 1875
Harper and Brothers, New York. 1884
Peirce and Parker, Boston. 1833 (First edition)
5 x 7.5
William Peirce, Boston. 1834
H. and E. Phinney, Cooperstown. 1844 7 x 4.5
Harper and Brothers, New York. 1856 8 x 5.5