The Corner-Stone is a counterpart to the Young
Christian. This book helps the reader "developing the
elements of religious truth".
Initially this title was not part of any series. In 1851 it became
book #2 in the Young Christian Series which was published by
Harper and Brothers.
For information on that series and those books see Young
The non series editions of this series were first published by
William Peirce and then later by H. and E. Phinney (and Phinney
and Company).
Book editions:
(First edition)
1834 - William Peirce, Boston // John Haven, New York // Henry
Perkins, Philadelphia
Both of these covers have the same text including title pages,
copyright pages, etc.
This title page is from the earlier 1834 first edition.
Although the title page has no date (probably published in late 1834), this book has the earlier frontispiece picture and the title page does not mention the John Pye Smith preface and it does not have the "Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone" picture.
1835 William Peirce, Boston // John Haven, New York // Henry Perkins, Philadelphia
This title page was used in later 1834 editions and in 1835 editions. It mentions the preface by John Pye Smith.
1836 William Peirce, Boston
This title page was used starting in 1835 and in the Phinney editions until 1852.
Whipple and Damrell ca. 1837-1841
1845 H. and E. Phinney, Cooperstown, New York
1847 H. and E. Phinney, Cooperstown, New York
1850 Phinney and Company, Buffalo
1851 Phinney and Company, Buffalo
1852 Phinney and Company, Buffalo