This publisher printed 32 volume Makers of History in 1904.
The book set cost $14.50.
The book titles are not numbered in this series.
As with many of the publisher's sets, the authors of a number of the
books are incorrectly listed confusing John S. C. Abbott with Jacob
Abbott. The books below show the correct authors.
Makers of History
These books were authored by Jacob Abbott
Charles the First
Charles the Second
Julius Caesar
King Alfred
Cyrus the Great
Darius the Great
Xerxes the Great
Alexander the Great
Hannibal the Carthaginian
William the Conqueror
Genghis Khan
Queen Elizabeth
Mary Queen of Scots
Peter the Great
King Richard the First
King Richard the Second
King Richard the Third
Margaret of Anjou
These ten books were written by John S. C. Abbott.
Henry IV of France
Hernando Cortez
Joseph Bonaparte
King Philip
Louis XIV
Louis Phillippe
Madame Roland
Marie Antoinette
A representative book from this series has not been seen.